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mercredi 8 février 2012
par  LieuxCommuns

Протесты в России (3/3)

Version russe de l’interview de V.D., anarcho-syndicaliste russe de la KRAS-AIT Вопрос : Несмотря на обман и пропаганду, парламентские выборы 4 декабря не стали плебисцитом в поддержку Путина и его клана, стоящего у власти с 2000 года. После 10 декабря происходят более или менее крупные (…)

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jeudi 9 février 2012 à 11h43 - par  U

Don’t beleive unconditionally to KRAS-AIT. Russian protesters are not only yappies and « middle class ». There are many poor people on squares. The reason of protest is social - total corruption, growing social inequality, police lawlessness, degradation and destruction in medicine, edication, housing, patriotic megalie in official media, clericalism and many others. Liberals and nationalists control the organisation of protests and many people believe to liberals (but not to nationalists - they were booed many times), because russian society has got no experience of protest in many years. It’s like awakening after very long dream. But there is distrust to liberals too - people remember their policy in 90-th, but now believe that main target - resignation of Putin. And some people (about 25%) don’t believe to liberals and sympathize to lefts. Many anarchists and far-lefts come to protest to say people that the reason of problems is state and capitalism, that we shouldn’t hope that after Putin life becomes better, that we shouldn’t beleive to liberals, nationalists and authoritarian lefts, that we must fight for social requirements and we shouldn’t have illusion about « honest elections ». For example in last action anarchists and revolutionary socialists came with slogans « there is no honest elections » and « one solution - self-government ». Sorry for my English. With respect, russian proletarian anarchist.

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